Authors Information
There are no words limit or length restrictions on the manuscripts submitted to our Journals. The manuscripts submitted to this journal should neither be published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal. All the manuscripts should be submitted online through the journal's online submission system. The submission must have the following two files
- Title page (Include the study title, authors' names in order and indication of the corresponding author, email address of all authors, affiliations of all authors, full address of institute and country name)
- Blinded manuscript (this file must be without author details and the file must have the study title, abstract of no more than 300 words, three to six keywords and all the headings must be numbered such as 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Methods, 3. Results Discussions, 5. Conclusions. All the cited references should be attached at the end of the manuscript). If you have any further issues regarding your submission, please write an email to us via
For more detail, see each journal's guidelines listed on authors information page on relevant journal.